Modern World History

Academic dishonesty and cheating will not be tolerated.

(In order to further clarify any question you may have, the following excerpt from is provided.)

Definition of Cheating

Cheating is defined as obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding another to obtain credit for work, or any improvement in evaluation of performance, by any dishonest or deceptive means. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: lying; copying from another’s test or examination; discussion at any time of answers or questions on an examination or test, unless such discussion is specifically authorized by the instructor; taking or receiving copies of an exam without the permission of the instructor; using or displaying notes, “cheat sheets,” or other information devices inappropriate to the prescribed test conditions; allowing someone other than the officially enrolled student to represent same.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as the act of using the ideas or work of another person or persons as if they were one’s own without giving proper credit to the source. Such an act is not plagiarism if it is ascertained that the ideas were arrived through independent reasoning or logic or where the thought or idea is common knowledge. Acknowledgement of an original author or source must be made through appropriate references; i.e., quotation marks, footnotes, or commentary. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to the following: the submission of a work, either in part or in whole completed by another; failure to give credit for ideas, statements, facts or conclusions which rightfully belong to another; failure to use quotation marks (or other means of setting apart, such as the use of indentation or a different font size) when quoting directly from another, whether it be a paragraph, a sentence, or even a part thereof; close and lengthy paraphrasing of another’s writing without credit or originality; use of another’s project or programs or part thereof without giving credit.

Course Syllabus

Modern World History

Curriculum Map

Helpful Links

2018 – 2019

Marion “Happy” Truslow, Ph.D., Humanities Instructor

Course Description:

This course provides the student with an opportunity to examine, study, and learn about the events that have formed as both foundation for, and shaping of the world in which we live. Students will be able to analyze fundamental beliefs as found in major world views, and to apply that knowledge to current events as they consider their various roles and responsibilities as future “independent” citizens.

Goals and Objectives:

Categorically identify the major historical periods that have helped to shape our modem world, beginning with the Renaissance and ending in our present day.

Discuss the various philosophies that have developed throughout this period of history in terms of how they compare and/or contrast with each other;

Establish an understanding of the major themes that appear throughout history including today, and to recognize them in such a way as to apply these themes as we examine the effect of the past on the present and the future;

Know and understand that history is not a stand alone discipline; rather, it is the story of the past and it is found in literature, religion, art, science, and technology, government and civics, and geography;

Identify geographical locations that coincide with their historical context including regions, countries, and natural geographic formations.

Assessment Procedures:

These are several different categories used to describe a student’s level of performance: Excellent: Student is always prepared for class, always participates in classroom discussions, and makes frequent attempt to help others in their learning as well; Satisfactory: Student is often prepared for class, consistently participates in discussion, and occasionally helps others in their learning; Fair: Student’s class preparation is “just enough to get by,” participation in discussion occurs only when prompted, and rarely attempts to help others in their learning; Poor: Student is rarely ever prepared for class, does not participate in classroom discussions past a “yes” or “no” answer, and does not display any concern for a community learning environment.

Policies and Grading:

See the curriculum guide and the student parent handbook found in the Gap.

Course Texts:

Jackson J. Spielvogel, Dinah Zike, and The National Geographic Society.  Glencoe World History: Modern Era. New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2010.

Dennis Sherman, ed. World Civilizations: Sources, Images, and Interpretations. New York: McGraw Hill, 2006 (Vol.2). This is the fourth edition

Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart. New York: Dell, 1959. Extra Credit Only; Cartoon News; Newsweek; Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World (Digital subscription for our school)

Other Required Course Materials:

Those needed for term paper topic–to be selected as Project Eagle


Refer to the Gap.

Classroom Expectations and Rules: please refer to the Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School Upper School Handbook.

Extra Help Policy:  as often as needed, by appointment or during scheduled tutorials.

Academic Awards: Best Advanced Placement European History student—highest average in the course.

Academic Awards:

Awarded for best Modern World History student.